Number Of Touches
Data Comparing Training To Match Play
Data Comparing Training To Match Play
Part IV in the Player Development series. Read: Part I, Part II, Part III.
After the quick study on time of possession in Part I of the series, we followed up at a training session tracking the number of touches one player took in training. While games are exciting, and kids love to play, they might be best viewed by the adults involved as recesses...or electives a student will be more eager to take than core curricula. I doubt any thinking person would advise students to be given the option carte blanche to study whatever they like, most would take recess as often as they choose! There are some subjects that a functioning citizen simply must master to a degree. But, that is also presuming that the aim is to make each player achieve his or her potential to the fullest. It might also be worth submitting that teaching young people to enjoy any endeavor in a meaningful way, advancing their understanding and fundamental mastery of the topic is the best route to doing so.